Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Prince Day!!!

Since today is 22nd Oct, so it will be mr lala worm's prince day.
Actually every month, 2nd n 22nd will be the prince day.
This is lala worm's idea as he always imagine himself as a prince,haha.
So, in this 2 days, I will bcm an obedient lulu worm and listen to whatever lala worm said.
Other than these 2 days, that will be all my days to bully him,hehe.
So, wanna say Happy Prince Day to lala worm here and W.A.N...bububu!!!

2 个噜啦啦:

Anonymous said...

wa... this is our secret ler... hehe! actually is everyday lo, wahahaha

Yizher said...

u think too much liao lo,2 days is enuf for u to bully me ad ler...