Monday, November 03, 2008

My " Lalat Shirt "

Ohh...I almost forgot how many years I had wore this shirt ad...

I like to wear it as i think it is very comfortable.

However, I have to throw it now...
bcz mum said the shirt is too old and gt too many lobang liao...

But hor..........................................
I think mum will use it as 擦脚布 :(

This is the reason y it is called lalat shirt.

Ohh,sooooooooooo many lobangssssssssssss...

The shoulder there oso tore liao...

2 个噜啦啦:

Anonymous said...

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! finally!!!!!!!!!!!!hahahahaha

Yizher said...

u too bad time u miss it oso no use anymore ler...